Classic DF – 8/2/02

August 02, 2002: [•] Two sheriff’s deputies located two kidnapped teenage girls and shot their kidnapper minutes before he planned to execute the girls. [•] Ziad Jarrah, one of the 9/11 terrorists, was being watched by the CIA at one point. [•] Israel has begun retaliation for the bombing of a school cafeteria two days ago. [•] Mystery blobs are appearing on sidewalks in Camden, NJ. [•] Iraq is considering allowing arms inspections to resume. [•] 20 people are dead after fighting in Kashmir. [•] A kidnapped German has been released in Sudan. [•] A man arrested in Zambia has admitted to practicing black magic and even more disturbing was authorities found him in possession of a human heart wrapped in a cloth. [•] Fighting has broken out in Afghanistan between Tajiks and Pashtuns. [•] An ex-cop was killed in a shoot-out with his former coworkers after they tried to arrest him on suspicion of killing his wife. [•] A girl has turned up missing in San Francisco. [•] For once and all I’d to put the rumors to rest that my wife and I are getting divorced. Yes, we’ve had our arguments; but nothing out of the ordinary for any married couple to disagree over. Melissa and I have honestly never been happier and we are more committed to each other than ever before. Despite arguments, personal differences, and opinions that differ we are still together. This will be for the foreseeable future. While I appreciate the concern of friends I’m a little confused about motives nevertheless. My marriage is not based on staying together for my daughter alone. It is based on Melissa and my mutual need to love each other. We respect each other and we have made great strides to over come every personal issue we have encountered. Certainly, we are like no married couple and unlike 50% of couples today we have managed to have our marriage last 3 years. If we didn’t want to be with each other believe me we would have already made that choice. Divorce is a choice made by couples who cannot fix their indifferences. It is not caused by simply fighting and in some instances it is caused by lack there in of. Without communication and interaction a marriage is doomed to fail. What some see as a troubled marriage is actually a healthy one in many aspects. People may not be able to handle our frank handling of matters and our openness to discuss issues in heated conversation. However, this does not designate my marriage as a failure. Our relationship has always been built on commitment and with such it will continue to be. Last night when I embraced my wife and for the billionth time told her that I loved her it meant just as much, if not more than, as the first day I said those words. I love you wife (and daughter too) and I know you feel the same about me. 🙂


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