Classic DF – 12/3/99

Dec. 3, 1999: Noteworthy News: NASA has landed on Mars with a space craft that will “hear” what Mars sounds like… sort of. A promising new drug seems to eliminate leukemia, a big step towards eradicating cancer. A new cookie “hole” has been found in e-mail. The Free PC movement has flopped on its face. Chanukah starts at sun down this evening. EarthLink has a hole in its software. Germany may ban Windows 2000, but not due to monopoly problems… we’re talking religion here. Keep an eye on the stock market… it just capped 11, 000 plus as the NASDAQ continues to soar. Look for an early pull out around Christmas (no pun intended) and another normalization period… maybe 🙂 That’s if Y2K doesn’t obliterate us, LOL. DF 10990 News: Marlin’s Place features a response to yesterday’s post… big surprise. And as predicted (maybe I’m physic too) he denied everything and got pissy. Of course, innocent people don’t get pissy, but then again he may not be exactly innocent after all, hmmmmm. The lesson to be learned Sam: don’t open your big fucking mouth if you don’t have anything interesting to say (BTW I didn’t say anything to anyone… however, I forgot you trust the whore who screwed you over again and again over the people who had your back while she was doing it). Mervernation makes sense of the the whole auto industry trend towards rice burners and ummmm… he’s right. Melissa defends me over on her news page, but more importantly she has been sober for over seven months today. Once again I’m proud of her and love her with all my heart 🙂 Rock‘s web page is still down, but you got to dig that white on white motif! Speaking of Rock and his server I’ve come to a conclusion. I’m ready to make a public statement on DF’s opinion on Jeph.Net‘s future. In recent days Tom has added his Korpios.Net. I see he has moved his stuff around. Undoubtedly, rumors have been flying that he is mad at Marlin and Red Raven for attempting to oust him. Jeff has let me know that Tom is a necessity to this web page’s continued service. Immortalis asked me if I was backing Tom the other day. So here is the response: I’m backing It’s Jeff’s server so I leave it to Jeff to make the decision on what to do. Either way the virtual domain for won’t get registered. And frankly almost every person has become as trust worthy as another with a few exceptions (you know who you are). I only wish that Immy’s web page was restored… and one day I hope that will come to pass. Clearly now the enemy is not one person. Nor is it one side, but multiple fragmented fights. I grow tired of the infighting. The hate mail. The eggs on my car (Jesus can’t you people grow up?). The accusations. The stupid posts back and forth. The dumb ass opinions of a bunch of ummmmm…. dumb ass opinion people 🙂 I’d rather focus on my marriage, my wife, my family, and my job then on them. So I will continue to work on a revamped Portal. I will continue to develop a new interface. And yes, I will continue to decimate the news to the masses that matters. BTW Tom… I got dibs on Warwick 10990… hell, I coined the phrase… And that is what I will continue to do… piss everyone off! Stay tuned for our next post when in our upcoming holiday post Mel and I will be conquering a small third world country…


Classic DF – 10/22/99

Oct. 22, 1999: Everyone has an opinion and in the words of Rev. Daemon Immortalis, “That’s a beautiful thing”. However, sometimes if you can’t say something nice you shouldn’t say it at all. That’s from Mrs. Brigsby in the The Secret of Nimh. She was a smart mouse. Rock has shared his insights into Melissa and my posts about “friends”. I guess Rocky was right on that point, but sometimes being mute only leads to being taken advantage of. As was this case, I believe… I could be wrong (but I’m not so shut up for a second and keep reading:). The only life long friend I’ve ever had was my Mom… she has been there since she shot me out of her crotch 22 yrs. ago. Ummmmm… everyone else has been there less time. I guess that isn’t wasn’t what Rock meant exaclty… I think he was striving for the more proper term of “long time friend”. Well, I did choose my long time friend. Rock, I don’t want to hurt your feelings, but you won’t stay any longer with one person than the one you marry. That person will be the longest friend (and lover etc…) you’ll ever have. Your wife should be forever, at least that is what Mel and I are striving for. Anything less and you shouldn’t marry that person. So I did choose my long time friend and companion, Melissa. So what is it Rock was really talking about? I think what he was hoping to say was: Damn it flAn, why don’t you wait for them understand your marriage like you did for me?! Good point, I have an answer: 1.) When you love someone as deeply as I love Mel you defend that person from anyone who is out to hurt them… they were out to hurt her and Covalence was hoping to somehow steal back Mel… the reality check for him should have been she was never his and she hates his lame butt. But, that’s another point for another time. 2.) Covalence didn’t want to understand us… he wanted to destroy us. Why? I don’t know… maybe he has become the big drinker he was bragging to everyone he is… maybe he’s an alcoholic or something. The only help I could offer him is the advice to seek professional counseling and treatment in a good Betty Ford Clinic 🙂 He never supported our marriage not because it was too fast, but because he was jealous; case closed. That person isn’t a friend…. and Rock if you think that person is a friend: me and you need to discuss why you shouldn’t let people use you or hurt you, even if you think they are a friend… they are not. 3.) Who cares about their friends more than their wife… oh yeah, those divorced guys! Don’t be foolish sheeeeeeeesh!!! I can understand what he means though (and I say that without sarcasism). You think, Rock, that if I give those idiots a chance maybe then they’ll figure out that Mel and I followed our hearts… that’s why we didn’t wait and we spend so much time together, because we really love each other. I couldn’t agree more with you my friend EXCEPT Covalence isn’t going to accept that… he hates both of us because we are everything he wishes he was: married and happy. Jealousy will never allow friendship and hatred can never be ignored. So I give you this… we’ve given everyone a chance to understand us; it is them who refuse to understand and therefore never will. There is no reason to hold onto friends when they are long gone from the time you were friends. There is no reason to hope for change when they never will. And there is nothing to say when they won’t hear what you have to say. The deaf ear hears nothing. They have choosen their lives, and I have choosen mine. I am happy with my choice. Are they happy with theirs?


Classic DF – 9/4/99

Sept. 4, 1999: Marlin posted his summer end review (which includes, “Flannelman, you confuse me sometimes, but you stick to your guns without opening fire, and I have to respect that.”) Thanks, I think, LOL. Alot of people seem to think I confuse them, maybe that’s true. I’ve been in a e-mail rant and rave match with Korpios, he feels that I “place myself on a higher moral plane” and tend to be “an arrogant asshole”. Strong words by someone who always claims to be better then everyone else and have liberal views (translation: do whatever they want because they are free to rule their own little world without regard for others). Maybe I “will defend Melissa no matter what she says or does…”, but that is what love is about. Sticking with your guns because you love someone, no matter what. The bottom line is I do love Melissa; hell I love her so much I married her 🙂 So you won’t get an arguement out of me. Rock probably says it best when he wrote, “Chris has gone off and chosen a life, to live with Melissa, he made her his wife. Together they live and together they are, and they love each other with all of their hearts.” I couldn’t have put it more aptly. Like an indivisable system, bound souls, or an indestructable atomic bond I stand with my wife. There is nothing wrong with that. If more people stuck with what they believe Immortalis would have a web page. Maybe, I jump to conclusions sometimes. Damn straight, when most people are stabbing each other in the back I do it to your face (another great fact that I thank Marlin for pointing out… I’d rather know about someone attempting to destroy me then trying to hide it like a coward). If there is one thing my Grandmother taught me it was never hide your feelings. She taught me something else too– if you love someone you will always stick up for them. Belittle my wife therefore and you will get belittled. I have never been short on words, nor do I lose my temper. By now even the lamest people around know that every move I make is calculated and that I don’t lose (two certain females out there learned that in about one day). Life for me isn’t boring, it never has been. I’ve always had someone chewing into me, but that’s what people do when they are jealous. “For all of you that have read this far, thanks… It must seem like a soap, but hey, it’s me,” Red Raven said once in a good past rant. I would tend to argee. This is real life, the life I’m living. SO whether it’s some some faggot making comments about Melissa or a or some lame punk band that I’m currently knocking I’m going to tell you how it is. Melissa’s Father puts it best when he told me to do one thing, “Keep it real” (which is really funny to hear coming from a full grown man:) And that is what I do, I keep it real. That’s what DF is all about. I try to get along with everyone and in essence I do. But don’t fuck with the crew because that’s when I tell you how it is. 9 out of 10 times that’s when people get pissed, when I respond. So if you don’t like to hear what I got to say just remember, I didn’t type the url in the address bar. There are plenty of lame bands out there. There is plenty of websites dedicated to cheese. No one made you read it, but let’s face it you want to know who’s next on the flAnnel-hitlist LOL. Sometimes just when you think I’m done bitching about someone or you think I gave up… I bring it back to you all. So in the end I am an arrogant asshole. I will always stand behind Melissa no matter what. I confuse the fuck out of eveyrone. I, however, don’t lie, cheat, or steal. I never hide my true intentions. Yeah, I also place myself on a higher moral plane. That’s what I do, I try to be the best me there is because no one else can be me. I’m proud of me and so are the people who love me. Infact, it is my belief that the entire point of life is to be the best you possible and do the best with what you have. That’s the point of life. If you don’t live up to your true potential, tough, that’s your choice. I’ve already made mine… Mermaid responded once to something I said and put it out there to everyone, “(flAnnelmAn) is right,… for the most part. No one is right, no one is wrong.. however, there are exceptions to every rule. Some of the acts that have gone on in recent days in this war are inexcuseable, the `no right, no wrong’ theroy just won’t apply to them.” Right now, I believe, there is no right or wrong and that rule can now be applied. That situation is long gone. I am over all that. I’ve forgiven everyone, inlcuding myself. Melissa has too. Maybe it’s time for others to do the same. Maybe, just maybe, I’m not the only arrogant one with a webpage. Keep it real.
