Classic DF – 5/30/02

May 30, 2002: [•] As predicted by our elite team of psychic martial arts trained super-monkies the Village of Warwick, NY has decided to no longer work with CVS as far as allowing them to put a store up though CVS has agreed to their village’s proposal to include a supermarket in their proposed structure. The Village will now condemn the property, own it with their greedy little hands, and sell it to a grocer of their choice. All of this for “the good of the people”. Fortunately, people are starting to pick up on this and are asking who are Village politicians really protecting? Hint: The answer is themselves! [•] I love you wife, daughter, and cats! [•] Immy, I demand you immediately pull down any link showing Kenni naked! For those of you not in the know, the first time I saw a picture of Kenni she was fully clothed and the picture only showed her shoulders up. Nevertheless, I ran screaming up my street praying for a quick painful death that would result in the hideous image being ripped from my central nervous system completely. No amount of kerosene and matches can remove that day from my mind. Thanks Immy! 🙂 [•] I watched the “official” end of the WTC cleanup this morning. It was pretty sobering. It made all my little personal problems seem insignificant. Life goes on though, indeed.


Classic DF – 5/29/02

May 29, 2002: [•] As usual, I love you wife, daughter, and cats! 🙂 [•] Immy is evil and he likes it that way. [•] Mermaid yelled at me for making fun of Netscape 7 PR1 a couple of posts ago. I believe the quote was “Prepare for more crashes”. Well, I stand corrected as it seems that this Netscape browser will finally once again be more stable than Microsoft Internet Explorer 6. For the record IE crashes at least 2 times on me in a 10 hour work period. Got to love it! [•] Red Raven is alive. He e-mailed me and everything 🙂 [•] Azazel has somehow managed to get us onto a taping of MTV Becoming: Wannabes. I’m sure to get some pictures or at least a review of what it’s like to be on MTV. Yummy!
