Rating System Error

Just a heads up with the post and page rating system (the one that does the 1-10 stars and thumbs up/down on each post and pages), it appears after upgrading to the latest release there is a bug. It specifically effects web viewers using Firefox 3.5.x. Microsoft Internet Explorer 8.x is not effected by this bug.

The issue is when you vote, the “please wait”  graphic hangs and never passes through showing your vote as cast. If you wait three or four seconds and reload the web page you’ll see your vote was indeed cast, but not reflected on the site. This method of vote and refresh can work as a temporary work for the time being. We’re tracking the issue on our DF.com Code Info page. The issue has been reported to the software maker and should be addressed in the coming days. Once it is an update will be released when the new code is installed.

I appreciate your patience with this issue.
