Some Unexpected Delays

Life has a funny way of throwing you some odd ball curves and case in point has been this past week. We’ve seen some major development on over the last few weeks including a new CAPTCHA comment system (that is acting a bit funny on where it sits… working on that lay out issue still) and some look/feel improvements.

Development was held up about a week ago due to personal problems. I was returning home from a family trip to wife’s aunt and uncle’s house for a BBQ on 9/13/09. We went down with my in-laws and youngest daughter. As I was returning my daughter’s car seat to my wife’s car I aggravated a long standing injury in the form of dislocating my shoulder completely. The bone was some 1″ out of the socket and it was extremely painful to say the least. So bad in fact, I had to go to the ER to have a doctor set it.

As a result, I’ve spent the last week completely laid up and unable to even type a blog entry to let you know what was going on. I’m feeling a bit better and tomorrow I’ll be getting an MRI. My orthopedist thinks it should be repairable in surgery and barring any major setbacks I should be back to normal in six months or so. I have since this past Wednesday return to work for full days and that is a good sign.

I’m still sore and until post surgery updates may be intermittent based on the health of my shoulder. You don’t really realize how much you use an arm until you can’t. What delays this will have on my other plans is not know yet, but I’m still trying to figure out a way to continue with Pirate Radio though a delay may be unfortunately inevitable. Like many things in life– we just must wait and see what tomorrow may bring.
