Classic DF – 6/3/03

June 03, 2003: [•] Today is my birthday. I’m 26 years old. Feel free to send lots of money via the address supplied in the big flAnnelmAn ad above if you wish to send a gift. Thank you. [•] Moving right along, Birthday present number one: The Village of Warwick announced at last night’s Board meeting it will be ceasing all condemnation proceedings ASAP and supporting free market principles. I’m happy, enough said. [•] Birthday present number two: The scratch on my rear bumper. I didn’t put it there, but whoever did… well thank you very much. I’ll remember you around Christmas time. You’re right up there with the moron who passed me last night, realized my brights are REALLY bright, pulled over to let me pass, and then was forced to follow me the rest of the way at 40 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. [•] Birthday present number three: BrokenReality has released screen captures from his up and coming animated project. Be warned– you may want to keep a towel around to clean up all the drool these suckers are going make you create. [•] Birthday present number four: Thanks to all my friends and family who wished me a happy birthday. It wasn’t whether you actually bought me something or not; it’s the fact that you remembered to begin with. 😉 [•] Birthday present number five: Having my daughter home on my birthday and spending the entire day playing with her. Gette and I have fun no matter what we’re doing. Today was no exception. You go girl because you’re Daddy’s best gift ever. 😉 [•] Birthday present number six: The tattoo. The big enchilada. The whole damn show. Yes, I will be setting a date and time for anyone interested in watching me permanently emblazon my flesh with my two greatest inspirations: My daughter and God. Believe it or not a couple of people actually want to see this. So maybe we’ll take some photos just for the Hell of it. Watch me cry live on the Net! Nice. TTYL
