Classic DF – 9/23/03

September 23, 2003: [•] New old web pages. It’s like new old cheese. Only cheesier. And now equipped with Riboflavin! JOY! Check out Verona’s new old web page because she’s like my best friend and I basically live at her hour five out the seven days of the week. Mostly because no one else would put up with my crap that much on a daily basis. [•] While on the subject of new old web pages, good old Sepiroth (pronounced Q-AHAHDHDHSHHDH-d**RLK) updated his site and moved it on over to the greener grass of ye old Check him out. Not in that way! God! Perv! [•] If you haven’t been keeping up with Stack Ups! then you suck. I mean really, you do. So start making it a habit to check it everyday. Like checking your blood sugar. That old guy in the commercials tells me to check my “blood sugar as often as the doctor says”. My doctor says never. So I don’t. Wow, I’m a wealth of info this week. [•] It’s my favorite time of year! NO NOT FALL! I’m talking about Octoberfest beer release time (duh). I’m a German Lager lover (not to be confused with an alcoholic who simply is a lover of being Lagered). Saranac has released their limited edition Saranac Octoberfest Traditional Lager. It’s good. So if you’re over 21 pick up a pack. It’s good beer that is German and Lager. And remember don’t drink and drive especially in the wrong direction on a one way street. And with that word of wisdom I call it a night. You’re a night! –


Classic DF – 9/20/03

September 20, 2003: [•] Early this morning I came home from a long night of both work and play. As I laid down to go to sleep I had a number of realizations. It was like I awoke from the fantasy world that my life had become lately. I realized that many of things I thought I had that I did not. I realized that things were not what they seemed. I realized that things I said in French could never be real in English. It was like the return of my old self after a long hiatus in a far off place. It was like the return of flAnnelmAn. God, I missed myself.


Classic DF – 6/3/03

June 03, 2003: [•] Today is my birthday. I’m 26 years old. Feel free to send lots of money via the address supplied in the big flAnnelmAn ad above if you wish to send a gift. Thank you. [•] Moving right along, Birthday present number one: The Village of Warwick announced at last night’s Board meeting it will be ceasing all condemnation proceedings ASAP and supporting free market principles. I’m happy, enough said. [•] Birthday present number two: The scratch on my rear bumper. I didn’t put it there, but whoever did… well thank you very much. I’ll remember you around Christmas time. You’re right up there with the moron who passed me last night, realized my brights are REALLY bright, pulled over to let me pass, and then was forced to follow me the rest of the way at 40 MPH in a 55 MPH zone. [•] Birthday present number three: BrokenReality has released screen captures from his up and coming animated project. Be warned– you may want to keep a towel around to clean up all the drool these suckers are going make you create. [•] Birthday present number four: Thanks to all my friends and family who wished me a happy birthday. It wasn’t whether you actually bought me something or not; it’s the fact that you remembered to begin with. 😉 [•] Birthday present number five: Having my daughter home on my birthday and spending the entire day playing with her. Gette and I have fun no matter what we’re doing. Today was no exception. You go girl because you’re Daddy’s best gift ever. 😉 [•] Birthday present number six: The tattoo. The big enchilada. The whole damn show. Yes, I will be setting a date and time for anyone interested in watching me permanently emblazon my flesh with my two greatest inspirations: My daughter and God. Believe it or not a couple of people actually want to see this. So maybe we’ll take some photos just for the Hell of it. Watch me cry live on the Net! Nice. TTYL


Classic DF – 12/5/02

December 05, 2002: [•] Oh my God! A Stack Ups! double update! No wait! It’s a triple update! Holy crapola! Love me long time! [•] Everything looked pretty grim for me on Tuesday night. Looked like a major life change was going to happen for me. By Wednesday night I was in a hot tub and my life was back to normal. Well, not that I often find myself in a hot tub; but I think you know what I mean. Life, in general, was normal again. I spent Tuesday night into Wednesday afternoon taking care of Gette. That was pretty cool because normally I don’t see Gette that early in the week. She’s got a cold so she’s pretty sick. Poor kid. I tried to make her as comfortable as possible and to keep her fever down. There’s nothing worse than having to watch your child suffer and not being able to do anything. All the doctors will tell you is “keep fluids in her” so they’re worthless. She was drinking lots of juice and that’s a good thing. Hopefully she’ll be better soon. Wednesday afternoon I went shopping with my ex-wife and Gette. Mel had to do Christmas shopping for her house and I just kind of tagged along. I paid my bills via their respective mall outlets so I don’t get hit with late charges this month (image that). My debt consolidation is going well and from what I can tell I will be out of the hole (so to say) by Spring 2003. Nice. Hung out with V later that night. I was fatigued and stressed out so she opened up her hot tub. I chilled in there like a boiling lobster until I was nearly asleep. Then it was time to go home and go to bed. Now today I woke up and it’s really dark outside. It is apparently snowing like crazy across the entire Eastern US. I cannot tell as I have no windows so I’ll just take the TV’s word for it. We’re supposed to get around a foot of snow and that doesn’t bother me any. I only work down the street from where I live so I could walk home if I had to. Besides, there are worse jobs to have when it’s snowing outside. For example: This poor schmuck has to stand outside in the snow. He serves no purpose since all he can say is “Bob it sure is cold out here” or “Hey, it’s snowing and pretty nasty out from what I can see”. He literally gets paid to stand outside and look like he’s reporting something. What can he report??? NOTHING! It must suck to know that your job revolves around how well you stand outside in horrible weather and look good. I would just once love to hear the reporter say, “Well Bob, you’re sitting on your fat ass safe and sound in the studio while I’m out here about to die. But don’t worry I poisoned the cafeteria coffee machine and your all going to suffer a slow painful death too. Happy Holidays!”. Yeah, I’m evil, but I’m funny so it’s okay. [•] Post-Lunch Update: I went outside finally. It is snowing out. It sucks. The snow is getting mashed into ice by traffic thus making a nice slippery surface to conveniently collide with oncoming traffic with little to no effort. Extremely nice. Going home should be fun. I’d hate to be one of you who has to commute far. I feel your pain. I really do. Oh no, wait… I don’t. Sorry. I’m evil (I just remembered).


Classic DF – 12/3/02

December 03, 2002: [•] I love mysterious web sites with only a graphic teasing you as to its true meaning and besides anything by Broken is cool. So with that I give you BrokenFilms! Whahoo! [•] Yep, it’s Tuesday and thus I bring you my WWE RAW! weekly bitching. As usual Immy‘s house hosted our little wrestling gathering which included Verona, MG, Rider666 (or the artist formerly know as Thundercat), Mermaid, and Skyler. Honestly there was so much going on conversation-wise in the room I really didn’t watch too much of the show. The commentary and interpersonal interaction were much more interesting than some little wrestling show could muster. Nevertheless using my Miss Cleo-like powers from the dark side of the spoon I have telepathically siphoned the images of wrestlers long gone to give me some insight into a show I never watched. I think this is also how they do the Neilsen ratings judging by the success of Friends and Survivor because God knows real human beings wouldn’t ever watch that sort of crap. Anyhow here we go: The Dudley Boyz had a great match with 2:30 Warning (Rico still isn’t big enough to be a whole minute). The Dudleys won, but were severely beat down by 2:30 and Those Evil Canadians. Did I mention that Canadians are evil? Well, going by wrestling they are. Very evil. The Samoans too. Not to mention ministers, rock stars, and ex-ECW wrestlers. All evil. But I digress, the match was good so it gets an 8 out of 10 (and they hit Devon Dudley over the head with a chair while he was lying face down on another chair… pure chair smacking genius). I don’t remember too much of Trish Stratus verses Ivory. They both looked good. They fought (I think). I think that Victoria came down and attacked Trish. I don’t know anymore. All the girls look alike nowadays in wrestling anyhow. It gets a 9 because there were lots of boobs nevertheless. William Regal with Lance Storm took on Jeff Hardy and Tommy Dreamer. We’re all sure Jeff is gay. He flies gay. He jumps gay. He raped Lance’s ass and that was really gay. At that point I lost consciousness and passed out due to the amount of gayness. I awoke to find Tommy Dreamer swinging a large stick at everyone and almost hitting Jeff by accident. Plus, Dreamer was bleeding. SHIT! The match got exciting and I passed out! Well, I’ll give it the benefit of the doubt and give it a 7 based on gay rape with bloody noses being an “in thing” to do today. Batista decided to walk on down to the ring to fight the Hurricane for whatever reason. I think Batista’s belly button is possibly even gayer than Lance’s ass raping, but I’m still deep in thought over that debate. In the meantime I plan to ignore both and pretend it never happened (much like waking up this morning in general). I’m not sure what happened. Verona had to go home and I needed sleep. So I’ll make something up. says that Batista won so I’m going to say that Batista simply discovered that Hurricane’s secret weakness was stupid looking tattoos. Batista being covered in stupid looking tattoos won no problem. Case closed. Oh yeah, Ric Flair is hanging out with Batista. Why? Ummm… let’s see. Oh yeah here’s why– The glass ceiling returned courtesy of HHH. His throat got crushed so he sounded funny. I laughed at him. Not because he sounded funny, but because he still looks funny too. He’s got a big nose! HAH! Actually with the big nose and the raspy voice HHH is starting to bear a strange resemblance to a steroid loving Gonzo. I wonder how much longer it will be until he dies his balding head blue. Not long my friends. Not long indeed. Bring in the chickens!
