Classic DF – 6/16/03

June 16, 2003: [•] So I finally figured out when I’m going to update this darn thing of mine I dare call a world wide web site of page. You’ll notice I plan on doing it all week during the evening (look at the Calendar page for more info)… er… updating my web page that is… not ummmm…. moving right along! My job is still going well. I’m doing development work on software and its really odd to just be doing things on my own. Like actually being able to be creative. The one downer is my department budget is limiting my resources for a small time. This isn’t much of problem as I have switched from Photoshop (a minimal $100 budget expense) to GIMP (completely free off the Net), but the problem is the Windows 9x/XP port is really unstable. Crashes are frequent and that can negate 10 or 15 minutes worth of work. Even saving is dangerous as that too could induce a crash. Not fun. I’m hopefully going to find a more stable freeware application, but in the meantime this will do. I put in for more some other resources (Photoshop, Dreamweaver, etc…), but we’ll see what can be invested on my projects. Actually I kind of like having to make due. I haven’t had to be this resourceful for years. I truly have to rely on my artistic talent instead of just using a filter or some lame ass trick like that. I kind of like the idea that I have to strive for this. In fact, I LOVE the idea I have to actually be creative. I really think I’ve found my calling and I’m attacking the tasks at hand with all the vigor of my resources. This could either be my chance to shine or a really big failure. Either way I will learn from the process, adapt, correct, and move on. This rules!
