Shameless Promotion: New Casket Architects CD

Casket Architects "Future Wounds" CDThis past weekend the Casket Architects released their new CD “Future Wounds” to much accolades during their CD release party at the Tuscan Cafe in Warwick, NY. I’m not one to pimp out the “scene” any longer (cause frankly the scene died about ten years ago a fiery painful and much under documented death), but it is noteworthy for a few reasons:

1. They are arguably one of the best live bands from Orange County, NY actively performing (if not THE best).

2. They are a sonic mind trip and a half– listening to their first two albums (“Dance on the Death Nerve” and “Skull Persuasion”) was like some sick late night mash up of Skinny Puppy and Napalm Death… this album takes it another step further.

3. There are few truly creative bands out there. Casket Architects manages to really cross musical boundaries, do something original, and be pretty darn melodic without being a Pop sell out in any sense. We call that “win-win-win”.

I’m not close with the band (so there’s no incentive for me to give props) though Skow admittedly knows them, but he didn’t ask me to pimp them either. I just feel they deserve the shout out and if you like digitalflood’s stuff it’s certainly worth checking out their new CD (which can conveniently be purchased through their new Merch shop).

Give it a listen and drop back to let me know what you think. You can (even maybe more conveniently) find the Casket Architects featured in the digitalflood Pirate Radio “Palindrome Remix” episode if you want a sneak peak at their earlier work. You can also listen to Skow and I babble about nonsensical metal ramblings, as well as, food during that same episode in case you’re into that sort of thing.


Broken Links Make Broken Site

Ended up having to disable one of my broken link checking tools… caused lots of stability issues with the server and wrecked web page load times. Things are noticeably improved since disabling the system about 15 minutes ago. With that– we’re back in business again.


Near Final Revisions

Good news– was able to fix the “CAPTCHA code” lay out issue this evening after all. Also made updates to the image gallery code and web frame code. Everything looks good as it stands and we’re almost ready to go final release. This is definitely good news in light of my earlier post. Of course, if you do find anything wrong or have any suggestions be sure to let me know.


Some Unexpected Delays

Life has a funny way of throwing you some odd ball curves and case in point has been this past week. We’ve seen some major development on over the last few weeks including a new CAPTCHA comment system (that is acting a bit funny on where it sits… working on that lay out issue still) and some look/feel improvements.

Development was held up about a week ago due to personal problems. I was returning home from a family trip to wife’s aunt and uncle’s house for a BBQ on 9/13/09. We went down with my in-laws and youngest daughter. As I was returning my daughter’s car seat to my wife’s car I aggravated a long standing injury in the form of dislocating my shoulder completely. The bone was some 1″ out of the socket and it was extremely painful to say the least. So bad in fact, I had to go to the ER to have a doctor set it.

As a result, I’ve spent the last week completely laid up and unable to even type a blog entry to let you know what was going on. I’m feeling a bit better and tomorrow I’ll be getting an MRI. My orthopedist thinks it should be repairable in surgery and barring any major setbacks I should be back to normal in six months or so. I have since this past Wednesday return to work for full days and that is a good sign.

I’m still sore and until post surgery updates may be intermittent based on the health of my shoulder. You don’t really realize how much you use an arm until you can’t. What delays this will have on my other plans is not know yet, but I’m still trying to figure out a way to continue with Pirate Radio though a delay may be unfortunately inevitable. Like many things in life– we just must wait and see what tomorrow may bring.

Share v10 Milestone – Release Candidate 1

I’ve been rather busy toiling away on the site (as if you couldn’t tell). Some recent add on’s and updates to the site are:

  • Implemented Star Rating/Yeah or Nay system for posts.
  • New caching engine on the site improving load times significantly.
  • Added over 100 posts into the blog going back to 2000.
  • Fixed broken legacy links using redirects.
  • Cleaned up navigation menu.

Overall we’re about 99 (if not 100) percent operational at this point and with that in mind I’d like to announce we are up to Release Candidate 1. In geek speak, that mean we’re about revision away from the final site. It’s been a lot of work, but as you see it’s starting to pay off.

Once the final new v11 site is in place we’re going to group up on this end and start working on some new things– new Pirate Radio, new artwork, new content, and new music. Plus a few other surprises I’m sure you’ll enjoy. As always, thanks for checking in and be sure to check back to keep up on what we’re up to.
