Classic DF – 1/25/04

January 25, 2004: [•] This weekend wasn’t too bad considering all the crud leading up to it. I had an awesome time with my daughter. I really look forward to the weekends because that is really the only time I get to spend with her. I’m lucky to have such a wonderful child. She is extremely caring and really just has this incredible amount of love that she wants to share with everybody. After bringing my daughter home to her mother’s house I finished up this weekend over at Immy‘s doing the wrestling thing. Mermaid was also there. Kara managed to sit through an hour of wrestling (which I’m sure for her is a lifetime considering she rues the word “wrestling” much less having to watch it). This month was WWE Royal Rumble. For me the Royal Rumble is my second favorite WWE PPV of the year (Wrestlemania being my first) and every year the show always turns out to be the cream of the crop. It really sets the tone for the rest of what we, as fans, can expect for the rest of the year. This year was no different. The highlights for me were the excellent blade jobs by Triple H and Shawn Michaels. I don’t think the term “crimson mask” could describe the amount of plasma leaked on the part of each wrestler. I think the more proper term would be “crimson cloak”. It was insane. The Royal Rumble match itself was great. Chris Benoit came from behind as the number one entry in a match of thirty men and won. The timing was excellent on the part of most of the wreslters for a crap job by Big Show (if he had strings attached to him and the WWE trainers guiding him he still couldn’t keep up) and the stupid French guy who’s name I don’t even find worth my time to try to remember when he too blew a great spot. Once again, otherwise everyone else did a great job. McFoley showed up for the cheap pop and beat the crap out of Randy Orton, which was just great in and of itself. Kurt Angle wrestled the best he could after major surgery and he gets props for even showing up. There was a couple of clear build ups for Wrestlmania in March. The first is Kane verses Undertaker (there was a “mystery” bong that went off prior to Spike Dudley’s entrance). The second was Brock showing up to F-5 Goldberg and Goldberg screaming “Your next” at him. The final was the massive effort on Orton’s part to beat down Benoit before Orton was eliminated by McFoley. That just screams Evolution verses Benoit and is an obvious lead in to his match verse Triple H at the foresaid Wrestlemania. So I’m content with at least knowing that I enjoyed a few hours of mindless entertainment to get my mind off all the bull that is going on in my life and on top of that had a great time with my daughter the two days prior to that. Tomorrow it’s back to the horrid stress I dare call a job of late, but that’s life I guess and it’s all part of growing up. Great, now I sound like a Blink 182 song . 🙂
