Classic DF – 10/20/02

October 20, 2002: [•] Monkey? [•] How about cow instead? [•] Prepare to laugh: Christina Aguilera’s new video, Dirrty, features posters that promote the Thai underage sex industry. [•] How do you defend your country from an impending invasion? Release all your criminals onto the street! Don’t worry Saddam the US can respond in kind: We’ll send over both the Bloods and the Crypts to jack your ass. 🙂 [•] Had another night of mayhem with V. Ran into my old friend Vampire Craig. Hadn’t seen him in over two years. Caught up on old times and hopefully we’re going to going hang out soon. Should be… dangerous. LOL Speaking of danger: Remember that Dr. Pepper soda and a keyboard don’t mix well. AIGHT!
