Classic DF – 12/7/99

Dec. 7, 1999: I promised Daemon Immoratlis I’d make fun of Marlin to cheer him up (poor Immy is still sick), so… he’s a dork. On to the news! For those of you who think it is only Midwestern kids who shoot up schools, Holland is having the same problem now too. Cuba claims that the US is holding a child found floating in the Atlantic Ocean hostage and they demand we send him back… okay if you say so 🙂 The Russians are still trying to take over Chechena (didn’t they learn anything about Vietnam from us?). Newflash: Teens who drink and use drugs are more likely to have sex… obviously the people who take these polls never belonged to a frat or else this would be common sense. The Babylonian virus is out, chatters beware! Microsoft isn’t the only one in trouble for antitrust violation, Apple of Japan has been brought up on monopoly charges. People who fear Echelon… relax, the NSA says they’d never use it on a US citizen (ummmm…). IBM wants to build a machine to figure out protein structures; sounds peachy. NIN just finished their new video for “Into the Void”. A court ruling says that Providers can’t be held for volatile content. Lego has been declared the toy of the century, ohhhh! The IE5.5 Beta is now out, download here. As far as DF’s revamped web page I’ve been playing with several formats and even showed one to Rock… he seemed okay with it (but it wasn’t like he did a jump for joy or anything). Look for the new Y2K compatible (sort of) DF2K to premiere at the end of December (coincidentally in time for the Year 2000 ohhhh:) In the mean time to keep the natives quiet I’ve removed the status bar Java crawler.
