Any Press Is Good Press

Empire State Building in NYC - Main off air transmission array for TV.

Empire State Building in NYC - Main local off air transmission array for NY.

Quick note, you’ll see me interviewed in today’s edition of The Times-Herald Record. The story centers around one customer of ours (“ours” being my employer WVT Communications) who seems to be having ongoing issues with her cable TV service. The first time I ever heard about her was on Monday (12/14/09) when she left me a voice mail in the afternoon while I was at PT. I returned her call early yesterday morning (12/15/09), but only got her answering machine. I then got another call later that day from a reporter with the Record requesting an interview. With our CEO’s permission I gave a rundown on the good, the bad, and the ugly about digital RF off air reception including addressing how you deal with as a TV cable provider an overall weaker local channel signal level and a higher susceptibility to co-channel interference. Of course the upside is that same local channel signal provides better picture clarity and audio, as well as, allowing multiple channels to be broadcast within a spectrum space that once only allowed one. I haven’t heard back from Mrs. Watson, but I hope I do– I honestly feel there are other issues at work here aside from the digital off air transition issues as she’s stated to the Record she saw them on all channels (not just the local NY/NJ channels) and that leads me to believe there may be something unique to her house happening that is causing her ongoing issues. Either that or there’s a bigger problem I’m not aware of. She alludes to other customers having the issue as well, but makes no firm identification of who those individuals may be. My hope is one of those other customers (or Mrs. Watson herself) allows WVT to look at their equipment and isolate the issue, which may have nothing to do with those previous digital off air transition issues. Only then can I offer all the effected subscribers resolution and restore their service to proper working order, which of course is my ultimate goal.


DF Pirate Vol. 5 Ep. 2 Is Ready

Happy Thanksgiving from the Year 1900!

Happy Thanksgiving from the Year 1900!

As I write this post, I am listening to the final mixed version of “digitalflood Pirate Radio Volume 5 Episode 2” starring myself and my special guest co-host Reverend Damian Baker. It sounds absolutely fabulous and I’m absolutely stoked to get his one to you. I will salivate your palette a little and let you know this episode is a double size one hour and forty two minutes in total length. Yes, we’re talking over an hour and half of Pirate Radio goodness. The art work for the episode (which prior viewers know every episode gets a graphic) is also done. We’re absolutely 100% ready for a 11/28/09 release. This is happening without a doubt at this point.

I’m also happy to report that I believe I’ve lined up a guest for “Vol. 5 Episode 3”. We should be recording this Saturday and if it all goes right I’ll let you know.

Production this year was done a little different. Late in Volume 4 we changed how we recorded the episodes to speed recording up for the guests and to also make the final product more polished. I think you’ll notice the difference.

Finally, tomorrow in Warwick, NY we’ll be celebrating Thanksgiving Eve and the return of Pirate Radio around the various bars/pubs in the Village of Warwick, NY. We should be starting the party at The Blarney Station around 7:30 pm. If you’re in the area be sure to be on the watch out for us and to take the time to grab a pint with us.

If I don’t get a chance to talk to you in between now and Thanksgiving I want to be sure to wish all my viewers, as well as, friends and family a wonderful Thanksgiving. We really do appreciate all your patience and thank you for sticking with us through all the ups and downs. We are truly thankful for our friends, family, and fans. Your are nothing short of wonderful. Be safe and enjoy the holiday.


Firming Things Up

Mapquest - Losing people since 1996!

Mapquest - Losing people since 1996!

I spoke with Reverend Baker this evening via phone and we drew out the high level plans for his upcoming Pirate Radio session (Vol. 5 Episode 2), which is now due to drop some eight days and counting. The good Reverend has some pretty nifty plans for the show and I cannot wait until you hear what he’s thinking about. As with his past appearances, this one also promises to be a sure fire classic. Unfortunately I cannot let the cat out of the bag and reveal any of the details just quite yet. The wait will be worth it. Trust me.

I also had the chance to hang out with D.J. A.D.D. this evening. He’s up to some pretty neat things and about to go into public beta with a new web based project he is working on. I have to say I’m absolutely stoked about what I saw this evening. We went over some web site optimization strategies and I have to say even in pre-beta his web site absolutely rocks. I cannot wait to let you in on what he’s up to, but alas I will have to. Surprises are a lot better that way. I can promise you this much– the site is unique and at once also very promising as a catchy concept many will use. Stay tuned for more about that.

I also was sure to egg Mr. D.J. A.D.D. on about coming back to do a Pirate Radio show this season. With the web site development going on though that may not be an option, but he is sure that once things do calm down he’s going to be back and is even promising to deliver a new DJ mix set for the show. Again, I cannot wait.

There’s many things going on in the background right now at and even more going on with our many collaborators. I hope you can make it out to the Armed Suspect’s 11/21/09 show I posted about this morning. I certainly wish I could, but it’s not exactly a great idea to go to a rock show with a recently repaired shoulder. They actually played a show in Warwick, NY about a week ago and I’m still kicking myself about not being able to go. I heard it absolutely rocked and I’m sure this one will as well.

You’ll notice starting with this post I’m adding what’s called “tags” to each post. This will, down the road, make it easier to find what you want on using our in house search or another outside web search provider (such as Google or Bing) to find what you’re looking for. Eventually you’ll see a “tag cloud” appear on the left side menu (in a day or two). This will let you know what is a hot topic on the site right now and and again maybe help you find what you’re looking for quicker. Like many of the improvements at, this is seemingly a baby step; but in the long term will deliver an even better experience.

Finally, I leave you with my picture of the day. I dedicate this one to something I’m sure we’ve all had happen if you’ve ever used for directions and ended up quite not where  you suspected. As always, thanks for checking and being patient.


Shameless Promotion – Armed Suspects (11/21/09 Show)

Ah yes, promotion. The act of promoting a bunch of things in a very promotional promoted manner. We like doing this. It makes us feel good. Like petting a kitten. Or singing to the birds. Or other Disney princess movie type of stuff. So, in’s grand tradition of promoting random shows featuring our friends in a shameless manner I give you:

Armed Suspects playing with headliner Cold War Survivor
and fellow opening act Ruin!

Armed Supects - 11/21/09 Show

Show Details:

Start Time:

Saturday, November 21, 2009 at 9:00pm

End Time:

Sunday, November 22, 2009 at 12:00am


The Basement


744 Broadway


Kingston, NY

More Info:


Google Maps

This should be enough metal, punk rock, and good old fashioned beer drinking fun to keep you busy for the night. Be sure to tell Scotty Violence that DJ digitalflood sent you. If he then proceeds to punch you in the face and throw you out it’s not my fault. Look on the bright side– you’ll have a great story to tell your friends or co-workers the next day and me to thank. We all win in the end!  😀


This Isn’t American Idol, Is It?

Towelman Rocks!

Towelman Rocks!

Calling all wanna be guest hosts… here’s you’re chance to get on digitalflood Pirate Radio! We are now scheduling guests for Pirate Radio; so hit us up if you want in via comment, email, or social network of your choice.

If you have a band and would like to be on Pirate Radio we can work that out as well. Here’s your chance to be immortalized (or at least that’s what you’ll tell yourself to shrug off that oh so dirty post Pirate Radio recording feeling– we like it that way). You’ll need to provide us with 10 MP3s of your choice. Be sure to let us know why you should be on Pirate Radio.

Can’t make it to Warwick, NY? Send us an MP3 with your Pirate Radio shout outs, requests, or clips of random uncontrollable screaming to:

Been on Pirate Radio before? Here’s your chance to make a comeback! We’d love to have you back on the show again.

Remember, it’s not about talent when it comes to Pirate Radio… it’s about putting up with my unending ramblings and long winded stories that lead to nowhere. It’s all in the name of comedy though so suck it up and take it like a man (unless of course you’re not a man… then take it like not man)!
